Jan Tizard
Galen Canine Myotherapist
Areas covered:
Brisbane Australia, Auckland New Zealand
Contact information:
Hi my name is Jan I am a Galen Canine Myotherapist living in Brisbane Australia, I was first introduced to Galen Canine Myotherapy when I took my agility dog Sam to be checked before commencing contacts in agility, it was suggested I had his hips checked.
The vet confirmed Sam had hip dysplasia.
Over the next months with myotherapy the change was amazing, 6 years on Sam has a very balanced team to keep him fit and healthy and is still participating in agility, herding, and scenting.
My lifetime love of dogs and dream to keep them pain free and active has led me to completing a Diploma in Galen Canine Myotherapy and K9keewee was born.
As a Kiwi living in Australia, I will be treating dogs both in Brisbane, Australia and Auckland, New Zealand.
“Listen to your dog’s whisper before it becomes a shout”.