Hannah Capon
Galen Canine Myotherapist and Veterinary Consult
Areas covered:
Contact information:
07929 673 355
Hannah Capon MA Vet MB MRCVS, winner of the 2019 Ceva Vet of the Year and finalist in the 2019 Petplan Vet of the Year is a first opinion veterinary surgeon in the UK. Recognised for her tireless work on Canine Arthritis Management (CAM) an online education and support service for owners of arthritic dogs and professionals that care for them.
"Julia and Galen Myotherapy was the catalyst for CAM. I met her when I was questioning my standard veterinary approach to managing chronic pain and soft tissue injuries. Through this fateful meeting she changed the course of my career (for the best- i think). We often laugh about how she "ruined my life" because she opened my eyes to things that I had not been taught in my formal vet training. Through the Galen Myotherapy diploma, she enabled me to see the true extent of a problem, that I now want to help fix, canine chronic pain due to musculoskeletal disease!"
CAM began as a simple Facebook page in 2015 where I would promote earlier identification and thorough multimodal management plans, both topics that were covered in the Galen Myotherapy diploma. CAM has since grown and is a a flourishing service run by a team of veterinary professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to help owners. I am proud to say that CAM has become an unstoppable force. A respected website full of downloads, like the unique Home Safe tool (#itsmyhometoo), A large social media presence through Facebook, Instagram and twitter. An online shop stocking awareness merchandise, owner education and other canine essentials. An education provider for first opinion practices, as well as dog groups, paraprofessionals and owners. An inspirational campaign group to raise awareness of the serious nature of this disease (#yourdogmoreyears). I would say it runs my life more than I run it now, but I finally feel I am really making a difference. If I hadn't met Julia and learnt through Galen, I think I would still be floundering with how best to manage these dogs.
Hannah currently works at Greenside Veterinary Practice, Scotland, where she is working in regenerative medicine and rehabilitation, as well as exploring novel ways we can improve management of this common debilitating disease. She continues to run her one on one service for clients with her colleague Lynsey Tindall.