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Galen Comfort Scale


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The Galen Comfort Scale is a proven, measurable way of tracking changes in your dog's overall comfort. It has been used by our Galen Myotherapists and within our Distance Support programme since 2015. 


This invaluable tool enables you to quickly identify any changes in habits and signs of discomfort, providing an opportunity to address these issues before they escalate further as well as tracking improvements.

As we assess dogs from a 360 degree perspective, we created 4 sections of the Galen Comfort Scale, which include:


  • Physical changes

  • Behavioural changes

  • Eating and Digestion 

  • Other Indicators, including how your dog sleeps etc.


Against every question, you'll be asked to select a response that most represents your dog at that point in time, from the following options: 


3: No 

2: Rarely 

1: Sometimes 

0: Consistently 


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We recommend observing your dog  and recording their scores over a 7 day period, so you can select a response which most represents your dog over this time. You can then come up with an 'average' score for each question across the week, which will really help you to gauge your dog’s overall level of comfort, at that point in time.


You can download an editable pdf copy of the Galen Comfort Scale by completing the form below:

If you would like a copy of the Galen Comfort Scale, please complete this form.

Click here to download

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